Wireless Power Supply System

The wireless power supply system is the technology “Electrification 2.0” can supply the power to drive the devices with cable and battery free.

Architecture of Wireless Power Supply System

Transmitter (Tx) – The loop to provide the POWER

  • Magnetic Resonance

  • Arbitrary Shape

  • Depth of Field set by design

Receiver (Rx) – To get the POWER

  • Constant Voltage or Constant Current

  • Max Voltage set by design

  • Scales Easily

The transmitter (Tx) can generate a magnetic field. The field extends both above and below the plane of the Tx dimension, and can transfer power in both directions.

The vicinity of the transmitter in a region called the “power zone” (green cloud in above diagrams).

Application of Wireless Power Supply System

Consumer Products

Wireless Power Supply For Home

Building Management

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